A cappuccino is a coffee drink that is made with hot milk, coffee, and steamed milk foam. The microfoam has a thick layer. It is served in a cup of 150 to 180 ml with a handle. It has rich texture and flavor. It has the taste of bold coffee. It could be added sugar to enhance the flavor. The Italian cappuccino is made with the use of espresso machines such as the Krups or La Pavoni. In Italy, a barista prepares it. Cappuccino is originated in Italy. The drink which is made from the combination of steamed milk and espresso. It has become widely known in US and considered as a new beverage. It was firstly known in the 20th century. Italians started to add milk in espresso due to which cappuccino was widely popular. As the espresso machines were large early, the cafe was started to provide them. In the coffee shop of US, it served food and black coffee. Then they started to market the drinks such as cappuccinos.
Nutritional value

The serving size of 23 grams of cappuccino contains about 100 calories, 18 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of total fat, 13 grams of total sugars, 0.36 mg of iron, 95 mg of sodium, 1.5 grams of total saturated acids and 1 grams of total trans fatty acids.

Types of Cappuccinos:
Traditional cappuccino
It is prepared with two or one shot of espresso, which is topped with foamed or steamed milk layers.

Iced cappuccino
It is the cold interpretation of hot cappuccino. It is also added the cold or frothed milk in Italy.

Wet cappuccino
It is also called light cappuccino or cappuccini chiaro. It is prepared with the use of less foamed milk or hot milk. It is creamy and has diluted taste.

Dry cappuccino
Dry cappuccino is also called dark cappuccino or cappuccino scurro. It contains low amount of milk in comparison to other cappuccino. Low steamed milk is also mixed with high layer of foamed milk.

Flavored cappuccino
It is quite popular in US. The simple syrups are also added to provide flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, peppermint, caramel, cinnamon and raspberry.

Health Benefits of Cappuccino
Cappuccino might be a favorite drink of some people. It provides various psychological health benefits, such as mind stimulation and mental alertness. The research shows that high intake might lead to high waist sizes or BMIs. It has antioxidant properties that help to prevent skin problems and memory loss. The intake of coffee or tea without sugar or milk also assists in weight loss. Most people drink black coffee or tea to prevent fattening. Cappuccino also lowers the chances of cardiovascular ailments.

Prevent heart ailments
Coffee is packed with antioxidants such as flavonoids that prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and prevent heart problems. The study shows that coffee helps to lower the chances of early death in people with diabetes and heart disease.

Lowers stroke
It lowers the chances of stroke. It should be consumed mostly by women, as they have high chances of getting stroke. The study shows that those who drank coffee twice a day’s chances of stroke were reduced by 20 percent.

Prevent type 2 diabetes
The high intake of coffee lowers the chances of developing type 2 diabetes as the bodies resists its insulin. Coffee has antioxidants that prevent the damage of tissue. The minerals assist the body on the use of insulin. The study shows that the compound found in coffee blocks the human islet amyloid polypeptide, which has a vital role in causing diabetes.

Prevents Alzheimer’s
Coffee enhances the short-term memory. The study shows that caffeine stimulates cognitive power, which also enhances brain functions. It also lowers the chances of development of dementia by 65 percent.

Reduce gallstones
The moderate intake of coffee lowers the chances of symptomatic gallstones and also prevents it. Caffeine provides such effect as it enhance the contractions of gallbladder that prevent the formation of stones.

Assist digestion
A cup of coffee helps to assist digestion.

Lowers cancer
The study shows that the intake of coffee lowers the chances of cancer. The study shows that the intake of four cups in a day lowers the chances of death by 50 percent. It also eliminates the chances of skin cancer.

Burn fat
Coffee acts as a diuretic and helps to burn fat that aids in weight loss. It promotes the performance by lowering the fatigue.

Teeth health
The intake of coffee lowers the chances of cavities due to the presence of antibacterial properties.

Prevent headache
Caffeine lowers the blood vessels size and severity of headaches.


Side effects such as restlessness, tension, sleeplessness, acute anxiety, heart problems, digestion problems and severe headaches might be experienced.
It might increase the level of blood pressure.
Other Facts

In Italy, it is consumed once with breakfast in a day.
After World War II, it was widely known.
In Greece, Cappuccino Freddo is very popular.
It is very difficult to make it properly.
It has low amount of milk so has the flavor of espresso.
November 8 is considered as the National Cappuccino Day.
Ginger, cocoa, and cinnamon are the most prominent choices.

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