Rhinaphyto is a herbal cough medicine that contains liquid extracts of Thyme and Primula root.
Rhinaphyto It’s advised for the treatment of respiratory tract infections caused by a cold. Acute Bronchitis Symptoms Following cold exposure, respiratory infections with thick mucus develop.
Active Ingredient: 00 ml of the Rhinaphyto liquid contains thyme liquid extract 5 g, primula root extract 2.5 g, 4.9 % volume of ethanol, sucrose.
Side Effects: Cutaneous rash, swelling of the face, mouth, and throat dryness
Summary: It is a herbal remedy for the treatment of cough, severe bronchitis and colds. Contains extracts of thyme liquid 5g and primula root liquid 2.5g.
Suitable for both adults and children over 6 months. It also helps with respiratory infections where thick mucus has developed.